Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Learn from the past

Like today... was some kind of joke. With a co-worker we start talking about our jobs and the tasks ahead of us... I don't know how we get to the topic of the SALARY... she got a rise of 5% with only like two years working there. Then was my turn, I got 4%  with almost seven years working there, and the recepcionist who just started in the past January got a 15% with only 6 months!!! I must say that my friend and I are engineers and the other girl had just grauduate from high school.

So, this made think about what Am I doing where practically I am not being noticed?

Went trought my mind I find out the it has been enough, I have aplied for more than a dozen of positions with no positive respond. I end up with a list of what my mistakes have been.

  1. The frog color, it doesn't matter if you got early, or you ran like crazy in the middle of the plant, if you don't have a good relationship with your boss, it is clear where are you going to end. In the shadows of everyone who has the frog color.
  2. Talk to everyone in front of the boss. they must see you talking, about work, let the social themes for facebook o Strabucks smootie after work. (I do talk to a lot a people but it seems there is no evidence clearly enough to convince my boss of that) those are the "good relationships" that will help you to move on the job of your dreams.
  3. Control your tongue.  I know its hard to acomplish but not impossible. We must keep silent, the time will come, and that will be our chance to talk to explain our selfs. Don't send a rush of words you might regret later. If your boss is yeilling at you, KEEP CALM, breath and wait for the time, don't lower yourself to the same level. KEEP CALM, wait and talk. That doesn't mean your boss will be always right. They are persons, the imperfect ones.
  4. Send emails, memos o notes reporting what you have done, don't let other take what your work, remember the wind blows out the words, e-mails remain in the server, even when you thought are deleted. those are your witness. (And this will help you to get the frog color)
  5. Said "Good morning" loudly, so everyone hears you. If you are not a morning person, we should start practicing in front of the mirror. Might be funny but it helps.
  6. Take a few minutes to breath.  Got piles of paper to do? Breath.
What I have done? well I am on my process to change. If I can't change their minds, but I can change mine. I can learn from the past to move on. I think there are gonne be some huge changes around me.

See next time.



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